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Spinal Cord Injury Day: A lifestyle guide to protecting your back

Spinal Cord Injury Day, observed annually on September 5, serves as an essential reminder of the importance of safeguarding our spine. Globally, over 15 million people are living with spinal cord injuries, according to a WHO report, highlighting the critical need for awareness and prevention. The spine is a remarkable structure that supports our entire body, facilitates movement, and houses the spinal cord, which, along with the brain, constitutes the central nervous system. The spinal cord is vital for movement, sensation, bowel and bladder control, breathing, and autonomic functions like heart rate and blood pressure regulation. Any injury to the spine can have life-altering consequences. Unfortunately, the spine is susceptible to injuries, and back pain has become a global pandemic, often leading to disability due to sedentary lifestyles and poor posture. In fact back pain is recognised by WHO as the most common cause of disability globally. This article provides a comprehensive lifestyle guide to help you understand, prevent, and reduce the risk of spinal cord injuries and various spinal diseases.
Spinal cord injuries occur when the spinal cord is damaged, typically due to traumatic incidents like accidents, falls, sports injuries and violence and non-traumatic causes such as infections, tumours, or neurological diseases. Most spinal cord injuries are preventable, according to WHO, making them largely preventable. The severity of these injuries varies, with outcomes ranging from partial loss of function to complete paralysis below the injury, which may be temporary or permanent. Since, like the brain, the spinal cord does not have an inherent ability to regenerate, if a spinal cord injury is complete (all cells at a particular level die resulting in no sensation or movement below the level of injury), the individual remains paralysed for life with the technology available so far. Preventing such injuries requires a proactive approach to spinal health.
Prevent Road Traffic Crashes: Drive Safely: Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of spinal cord injuries. Always wear your seatbelt, ensure child safety seats are correctly installed, and practice defensive driving. Avoid speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving to significantly reduce the risk of accidents.
Prevent Falls: Falls are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries in many studies. Use safety precautions like harnesses to prevent falls, avoid climbing trees or hills without safety gear, and take extra care on construction sites or near unprotected wells. In the home, remove hazards that could cause trips, be cautious on stairs and wet surfaces, and ensure good lighting and railings on stairs.
Prevent Sports and Recreation Injuries: Adhere to safety guidelines and rules in sports. Wear proper safety gear and avoid diving headfirst into unknown water bodies. These precautions can prevent serious injuries.
Engage in Regular Exercise and Physical Activity: Regular physical activity helps manage weight, strengthens the muscles supporting your spine, and improves overall spine health. Exercises like walking, swimming, and strength training, along with activities targeting core muscles such as yoga and Pilates, are effective in stabilizing the spine and reducing injury risk.
Prioritize Good Posture: Proper posture is crucial for spinal health. Whether sitting, standing, lying, working, or lifting, maintaining correct posture minimizes stress on your spine. Use ergonomic chairs, keep your computer screen at eye level, and use proper lifting techniques to protect your spine.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight can strain your spine, increasing the risk of back pain and injuries. A healthy weight, achieved through a balanced diet and regular exercise, is essential for spine health.
Practice Safe Lifting Techniques: Whether lifting at the gym or during daily activities, proper techniques are vital. Always lift objects using your legs, not your back. Bend your knees, engage your core, and keep the load close to your body to prevent spinal strain.
Invest in a Good Mattress: A quality mattress that doesn’t sag and supports your spine’s natural alignment can prevent back pain and discomfort. Choose a mattress that suits your sleep style and provides proper lumbar support.
Choose Supportive Footwear: Footwear plays a crucial role in maintaining proper alignment and reducing the risk of back pain. Opt for shoes with good arch support and avoid high heels and unsupportive footwear that can alter your posture and strain your spine.
Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can decrease disc height, increasing the risk of back injuries. Drinking enough water throughout the day keeps your spinal discs well-hydrated, allowing them to cushion your spine effectively.
Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption: Smoking reduces blood flow to the spine, impeding healing, while excessive alcohol consumption weakens bones, increasing fracture risk. Quitting smoking and moderating alcohol intake will enhance spine health.
Spinal Cord Injury Day highlights the necessity of protecting your back and spinal cord. People with spinal cord injuries are at risk of developing debilitating and even life-threatening secondary conditions, which can cause premature mortality. By adopting these lifestyle changes, safety precautions, and prevention measures, you can significantly reduce your risk of spinal cord injuries and enjoy a life free from debilitating pain or disability. Remember, prevention is the cornerstone of spinal health. The dictum “Prevention is better than cure” is especially relevant for spinal cord injuries. Prioritize your spine’s well-being today for a healthier, injury-free tomorrow.
Inputs by Dr. HS Chhabra, Chief of Spine & Rehabilitation Centre, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute
